Posts Tagged "Isle of Skye"

The Name is Skye…The Isle of Skye

Posted by on Nov 12, 2012 in Travel Tales | 10 comments

The Name is Skye…The Isle of Skye

All girls(the big and small cats!) have a fantasy dwelling around a Scottish castle. Romances have been immortalized against these backdrops in Bollywood and Hollywood can safely call it its second home. And, I am just another girl, that has similar fantasies. So, when we were mid-way into our visit to Scotland, it went without any back-lash conversations that a trip up the mountains of the Western Highlands was a must in our itinerary. That was way back in 2007. Circa 2012, and ‘Skyfall’ releases in India as the 23rd 007 JamesĀ  Bond movie. Many called it the best of Bond...

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