Posts Tagged "Ooty"

Red Hills in the Nilgiris:A love affair with the monsoon!

Posted by on Jun 21, 2015 in Travel Tales | 4 comments

Red Hills in the Nilgiris:A love affair with the monsoon!

It may sound pretty cheesy, but my first memory of Ooty  is a dialogue from the 80’s film “Karz’, where a cheeky Jalal Agha turns around to a disturbed Rishi Kapoor ( who is unaware that his love-interest resides in Ooty), and in an attempt of persuasion to get him to station himself  there, squeals out  “Ooty, pyaar ki booty” (Translated, that stands: -Ooty, the reservoir of love!). I loved the movie, the picturesque locations and the songs. And thus began the love-affair! It was John Sullivan, the British Collector of Coimbatore who put Ooty firmly on the map...

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